Sunday, October 9, 2011

Deep fried shrimp with lemongrass (kung hor ta klai)

กุ้งห่อตะไคร้ (kung hor ta klai)
Give you more aromatic from normal shrimp cake by stick with lemongrass, If you want an extra flavor from lemongrass try to punch them before stick with shrimp :)

You will need: (1 serving or 4 sticks)
  • 150 g. ground shrimp
  • 4 sticks of lemongrass (cut roots off, use 3" long from the end, don't use head they're bitter)
  • 3 cilantro roots
  • 1 ts. black pepper corn
  • 1 ts. fish sauce
  • 1 ts. soy sauce
  • 1 ts. oyster sauce
  • 1 ts. sugar


Professor Vegetable said...

Looks amazing. Is that traditional Thai cooking?

Unknown said...

Sure! it's traditional Thai. Ummm..but the seasoning can be change, up to personal taste, other home's recipe may add other ingredients, but I do like this recipe :) simple and delicious.